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  • What's new?
    Rationel to Rehau We have decided to part company with Rationel who have, up until now, been supplying our doors. There are various reasons for this: - they now cost approaching £2000 each. - they are extremely heavy and easy to damage in transit. - we have had ongoing problems with the quality of manufacture (doors moving over time and getting difficult to open). We are now switching to a local company called Interframe who make windows and doors in a factory in Devon using the German Rehau system of PVCu extrusions. The detailing of these is vastly superior to the usual PVCu one thinks of - they achieve a fully flush external finish and come in a matt anthracite grey which to all intents and purposes looks like aluminium. Most people who have seen them (including a group of visiting architects!) thought so. Here are some product details: Ventilation Up until now our models have relied on the door itself as the primary source of ventilation with background airflow provided by trickle vents. With our hot summers though, depending on the orientation and amount of glazing fitted, some clients have been struggling to keep their studios cool. The great advantage of switching to Rehau is that, for the same price as a Rationel door, we can now introduce fully opening side windows to provide good cross ventilation even with the door closed. Because of the differences in the way the Rehau doors and windows are fitted however, there have been some small changes in the way Mokkis are detailed which you should be aware of before ordering. Here are to Rehau doors and windows in situ on a Quad Large in Oxford. Note, unusually this is a 2 door version. Here's an animation of a more typical arrangement. Ultimately we want to continue to offer value for money. Did you know that our prices have stayed the same since June 2022 despite rapidly rising material costs? We think this new development strikes the right balance between practicality and affordability and we're excited to be offering it from Sept 2023.
  • What is a Mökki made from?
    • Internal finish/structural panels - CNC-cut 18mm Wisa Spruce Plywood. • Insulation - 100mm Knauf Loftroll in walls, floor and roof. • Insulation upgrade: additional layer of foil insulation (equivalent to 50mm polystyrene). • External cladding - Locally grown British Western Red Cedar custom machined into rainscreen /shadow gap profile. • Windows - Double glazed low E toughened. Opening side windows by Rehau in anthracite grey. • Door - Rehau flush double glazed entrance door in anthracite grey. Multi-locking. • Roof - One piece EPDM rubber sheet. • Aluminium angle trims to roof edges. • Floplast mini gutter and downpipe.
  • How sustainable is a Mökki?
    All our timber is sourced responsibly from FSC certified plantations. Our cladding is also grown and machined locally - our cedar usually comes from forests managed by the Woodland Trust and has often travelled less than 30 miles to get to us. We use OSB with zero formaldehyde content and all our finishing products (Osmo) have low VOC content.
  • Can I fix to the walls of a Mökki?
    Yes. The internal walls are made from 18mm thick spruce plywood. This is an ideal material to fix to just using wood screws - no wall plugs required.
  • What are my options for floor finishes?
    Our floors are made of hardwood ply. Although usually the sheets are quite attractive and suitable for oiling, we can't guarantee the consistency of finish, wood being a natural material. You should therefore think of it as a subfloor ready to take an additional finish. There are several options for finishing: - Seal the plywood with Osmo PolyX clear oil (the same product we use to finish our desks). Most clients choose to do this and perhaps add a rug and entrance mat - but please see note above. - Paint the plywood with a floor paint. - Fit vinyl, lino or rubber tiles. - Fit a carpet. Don't rule this out! It makes a Mokki very cosy!
  • Do you offer sizes or features not shown in your brochure?
    There are plenty of garden building manufacturers out there who offer bespoke buildings (for a price) but we are not one of them. Our ethos is to make our studios affordable and, while our modular system is flexible (as you can see there are countless different configurations), we are still governed by the length of a standard plywood sheet which is why all our buildings are just over 2.4m wide. So the short answer is we only offer the sizes shown in our brochure. There are some other things we don't do: - green rooves (due to the saturated weight) - Black stained or charred timber cladding (due to the excessive cost) Sorry!
  • Do I need Planning Permission for a Mökki?
    Generally our studios can be installed under ‘permitted development’ rights but this is not always the case - for example if you live in a flat or maisonette or are within a conservation area. Please read the useful guide to outbuildings on the Planning Portal and, if in any doubt, make enquiries with your planning authority. We can supply generic drawings of our studios (example below) to assist you with any applications but note that it is fully your responsibility to ensure that all necessary permissions are in place prior to us arriving on site.
  • Do I have enough space for a Mökki?
    We have a range of configurations designed to fit into most gardens which are all dimensioned in our brochure. Please pay special attention to the 'Construction Zone' shown in the diagrams. We need a minimum clear zone of 50cm around the outside of our studios in order to physically build them. This is because the panels go up first and we then need to get round the outside with ladders and steps etc in order to fit the insulation, breather membrane and cladding. We are frequently asked if this zone can be squeezed and the answer I'm afraid is no!
  • How tall is a Mökki?
    You'll notice in your research on planning that there is a magic figure of 2.5m height mentioned under which permission is generally not required. The actual height of a Mökki from underside of floor panel to top of cladding is 2450mm. However, this doesn't take into account the depth of the floor beams we need for the foundations and the level we can set these at depends a lot on the ground conditions and any slope in the terrain. In practice then it can be difficult to hit the 2.5m figure exactly or even know where to measure it from. If you are particularly worried about height (perhaps you have a very sensitive neighbour) then it is always best to get planning permission but in most cases clients don't feel the need to go down this route. There are also things we can do to reduce the height if we are installing on to a completely level base. More info on request.
  • How should I orientate my Mökki?
    The obvious thing to do might be to situate a Mökki at the end of your garden facing back towards the house but this might not always be the best option especially if you don't have the width to fit one of our larger models. Remember that we have floor to ceiling glazed panels in the sides of most Mökkis so it can sometimes be an option to place the building sideways-on. A lot depends on the desired orientation. We would encourage you to think about the path of the sun and ask yourself how much direct sunlight you want in the building. Will it cause problems with glare on computer screens or damage artwork? Might the building get too hot in the summer? On exposed sites it's also a good idea to consider where the prevailing wind is coming from, especially in relation to the outward opening door. Our 'Shelter' model with its deep canopy provides the most protection from the elements.
  • Can you install on a sloping site?
    Our prices are based on the site being reasonably level. We can also adapt our footings to suit gently sloping sites for a small additional cost by agreement.
  • Can I temporarily remove a fence in order to get a Mökki closer to a boundary?
    We have on occasion positioned a Mökki right on a boundary line. This requires the full cooperation of your neighbour as we need to use their garden, or at least a strip of it, as part of our 'construction zone'. Questions arise such as: are there changes in level on the other side of the fence, will we be damaging any plants etc? In this scenario the cladding on the wall of the Mökki effectively becomes the new fence. It is not a good idea to put fence panels back against or very close to our cladding. All timber needs to be well ventilated or it will rot. Narrow gaps tend to fill with leaves and are impossible to access.
  • How many parking spaces do you need and for how long?
    Your Mökki will arrive in two Transit-sized vehicles. One will be there for the duration of the build and one is just there for a few hours during delivery. Our studios typically take two days on site to complete.
  • What if I have no side access?
    As a rule of thumb, if you can carry a single bed base through the house or flat from front to back then a Mökki should fit. The largest of our panels is about the size of a plywood sheet and about 140mm deep. Depending on the model we also have some long components (up to 4.8m). We can usually usually carry these through a house or flat, even using opening windows if necessary. There may be additional labour charges if this is the case. If in doubt please send us a plan of the ground floor (estate agent type from when you bought it is fine). If things look really tight we may ask you to do a physical test!
  • What do Mökki foundations consist of?
    We have our own foundation system which is included in the price. Typically 6 squares of topsoil are removed and the holes are filled with 'scalpings' which is a kind of compactable gravel used in many forms of construction (otherwise known as MOT type 1). We use standard concrete paving slabs to spread the load onto these zones (typically 6 per Mökki). Because of the additional weight, it is unfeasible for us to deliver the scalping material so this needs to be ordered by the client in advance. It is readily available from most builder's merchants (eg Wickes) either in a Jumbo bag, which would require crane access, or in 20kg bags which can be carried by hand. It is not expensive - approx £50 for a jumbo bag.
  • Can you install onto existing bases?
    Yes, we frequently install onto existing patios or concrete bases. We can also mix and match our foundations so, for example, if the existing base is not big enough we can have one or more of our feet dug into the soil.
  • How do electrical connections to a Mökki work?
    In electricians terms we provide the 'first fix' wiring in a mokki. This consists of 'twin and earth' cable which we run through the wall and floor panels and leave protruding through pre-cut holes in the walls. We take all this wiring back to an agreed point where the armoured cable is to enter the building. It is up to your electrician to provide the armoured cable, the sockets themselves and connect everything up. Usually they will want to mount a small consumer unit onto the wall where the cable comes in. If we are fitting a desk we would normally suggest the space underneath this as a location so it's not too visible. When we arrive on site we expect the armoured cable (sized by your electrician based on expected electrical load and distance) to be there for us to bring into the building without compromising the waterproofing. This doesn't need to be connected up at the time. We are happy to talk to your electrician about this but it is better if we don’t overlap with them on site – having more people around slows us down considerably.
  • How do I get an internet connection to a Mökki?
    Most clients choose to supply an external grade ethernet cable so we can bring this into the building alongside the electrics. We have pre-cut holes in our panels suitable for ethernet ports.
  • Do you provide any internal lighting?
    For an additional charge we can provide wiring to specific points in the studio if you feel this is something you particularly want but in most cases we don't. We normally recommend you simply fit plug-in wall lights. These are readily available in a range of styles, can be positioned where you like (the plywood is very easy to fix into) and can be plugged into one of the wall sockets. Lampsy have a good range. Ikea Kvart are also good (and very cheap) when available.
  • I've seen external lighting on your Instagram
    Yes, for an additional charge we can also provide wiring to external lighting positions.
  • What sort of heating should I have in a Mökki?
    Mokkis are small, well-insulated spaces. If you go for our insulation upgrade option then most clients get by with just a small plug in electric heater to use on colder days. There are many out there, some with wi-fi connectivity so they can be switched on before you start work in the morning. A few clients use Dyson heaters which also have fan/cooling functions.
  • How is a Mökki ventilated?
    We are now offering opening side windows to improve on natural ventilation. These can be locked in a trickle vent position (our fitters can show you how to do this) so that there is a small amount of airflow even with the window locked.
  • How soundproof is a Mökki?
    The materials we use are quite dense in nature - 18mm plywood, 18mm OSB, 20mm cladding and we frequently install for clients who require a quiet space (eg video editors, animators, musicians). We us lightweight mineral fibre insulation in our panels which is good thermally but less so acoustically where typically one wants mass/density instead of air. Due to its bulk we cannot transport/supply this dense acoustic-specific insulation. However, if you want to supply it yourself and you have space to accommodate it temporarily, then this is an option and we can discount the cost of the insulation we usually use.
  • Will a Mökki get very hot in the summer?
    That depends on many factors eg. how much glazing you go for, its orientation relative to the sun and whether or not the building is fully exposed or shaded. We provide various vents in our buildings so that you can get some cross ventilation. You can of course also work with the door open on hotter days. Venetian blinds are effective at blocking out direct sunlight while still admitting plenty of daylight.
  • What built-in furniture do you offer?
    You'll notice that all our windows have a band of plywood running horizontally behind the glass. This sits exactly at desk height and provides a continuous fixing zone for our optional built-in desks which are made from oiled birch-faced plywood. Our standard desks span wall-to-wall with no intermediate supports so are particularly space-efficient. You may have also seen various bits of furniture we have supplied over the years on our instagram profile - eg. storage boxes, double beds. If there is something you like the look of please get in touch.
  • How do I place an order for a Mökki?
    As a starting point please email some site photos and an address so that we can get a feel for the job along with details of the Mökki model you are interested in if you already know this. Please let us know if there are any access issues too if possible. We will then contact you to discuss your requirements. Once we have ironed out any detail we will send you our Terms and Conditions Document for signing and then request a 10% deposit. About 4 weeks before installation we will send you a drawing (example below) for your approval before going into manufacture.
  • What are your lead in times?
    We are a small company with only one installation team so our lead-in times vary significantly depending on demand. Minimum lead-in is approximately 8 weeks but please get in touch for the current situation. Jobs sometimes get delayed for various reasons so occasionally we have a slot to fill at short notice. If you're in a hurry then please include a site address, some photos of the garden and any access issues with your enquiry so we can get an idea of what's involved. The more info you send us the faster we can proceed. Note that we only book in construction slots once we have received a 10% deposit.
  • What are your payment terms?
    Payment 1 - Deposit: 10% of base price, payable at placing of order Payment 2 - Pre-manufacture: 40% of base price, payable approx 4 weeks before installation Payment 3 - Pre-installation: 40% of base price plus extras, payable approx 1 week before installation Payment 4 - Completion: 10% of base price, payable at key handover
  • Do your prices include VAT?
    Yes, all the prices in our brochure include VAT, foundations and installation.
  • How much does delivery cost?
    Being based in Devon, a large part of our costs is in logistics. It takes 2 transit-sized vans to deliver a Mökki. For jobs that are far-afield we also need to accommodate our installation team for the night. As a rule of thumb we charge £7.50 per mile travelled from Totnes. We will agree a price with you based on your address prior to taking an order. Some examples: Plymouth - £180 Exeter - £225 Truro - £570 Dorchester - £585 Bath - £765 Bristol - £840 Newport - £915 Cheltenham - £1030 Reading - £1235 Oxford - £1385 West London - £1425 East London - £1590 Brighton - £1730 Cambridge - £1835 All prices include VAT
  • Are there any additional costs?
    We try to be as transparent as possible when it comes to costs. Usually we can determine any extra costs in advance once we have gathered the necessary site information. A Mökki is usually installed by two people over a two day period but we may need to bring in additional labour or charge for additional time if any of the following applies: - there is a long, steep or convoluted route from the road to the site - the ground is very uneven or there are steps/retaining walls or other changes of level directly around the building - there is a slope across the site of more than approx 15cm - there are obstacles in the ground that will prevent us from digging holes for foundations - we have to dig down more than about 40cm to reach firm subsoil. - there are obstacles or protrusions into the 50cm construction zone around the building.
  • Do you do site visits?
    If you happen to be near Totnes in Devon then yes. If not then we can normally gather the info we need using photos and perhaps a video call or two.
  • Do I need to treat the cladding?
    No. Western Red Cedar is a naturally durable wood commonly used for cladding. Left untreated it will weather down to a silvery grey.
  • Does the roof need any maintenance?
    No. We use a single piece of EPDM (a type of rubber) for the roof. Since there are no joints it cannot leak and EPDM has an expected lifespan of over 30 years.
  • Do the windows need any maintenance?
    We make our own windows using CNC-cut plywood and sealed double glazed units held in place with aluminium angles. There is bead of clear glazing silicone between the glass and the aluminium window frame. You should check this periodically to make sure that it is intact and no water is getting in as it runs down the glass. The silicone may need to be replaced over time.
  • What if a window gets broken?
    Mokki windows are made directly by us using CNC-cut plywood, aluminium angles and a sealed, double glazed unit. The glass used is 'Toughened' and you could, in theory, hit it with a hammer without it breaking (please don't try this!). To date we have only had one breakage caused by a strimmer hitting a stone and firing like a bullet at the window. Because of our particular modular construction techniques, it is not straight forward to replace the glass, nor is this something that can be done by a third party. To replace a sealed glass unit we need to remove the adjacent cladding, battens and breather membrane to get to the fixings that hold the window frame in place. We have to charge the best part of a day’s labour to do this, plus travel costs so, in short, please take care when gardening around your Mokki.
  • Does the door need any maintenance?
    Our new Rehau doors need practically no maintenance. Before we leave site we will check with you that they are working and locking properly. Because it may take a bit of time for the building and door to settle we will show you how to adjust them yourself should there be any need to do so in the future. There are a couple of simple adjustments you can make using an allen key. We will not generally make return visits to adjust the door ourselves.
  • My door needs adjusting. What can I do?
    If you own a Mokki with one of our Rationel doors fitted, here are a couple of videos to assist you with any issues you may be having.
Mokki Quad Large
Mokki Quad Large interior

© 2019. Mokki Ltd

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